Saturday 6 July 2013

Shorcut Keys Of Microsoft Office Outlook 2003,2007 and 2010:

Microsoft Office Outlook Shortcut Keys:
CTRL + A             Selects all text in current document
CTRL + B             BOLD highlighted text
CTRL + I             ITALICIZE highlighted text
CTRL + U             UNDERLINE highlighted text
CTRL + X             Cuts (deletes) all highlighted text
CTRL + C             Copies all highlighted text to the Windows clipboard
CTRL + V             Pastes contents of Windows clipboard into current document at cursor position                                    
CTRL + P             Displays the print dialogue
CTRL + Z             Undo last action
CTRL + Y             Redo last action
CTRL + L             Left justifies current line or highlighted text
CTRL + E             Center justifies current line or highlighted text
CTRL + S             Saves current document
CTRL + DEL           Deletes word to right of cursor
CTRL + BACKSPACE     Deletes word to left of cursor
CTRL + SHIFT + I     Jump to Inbox folder
CTRL + SHIFT + O     Jump to Outbox folder
CTRL + 1             Jump to Mail folder
CTRL + 2             Jump to Calendar folder
CTRL + 3             Jump to Contacts folder
CTRL + 4             Jump to Tasks folder
CTRL + Y             Opens the Go to Folder dialogue
CTRL + R             Reply to current message
CTRL + SHIFT + R     Reply to all recipients of current message

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