Thursday 4 July 2013

How to Enable Clear Type tuning In Windows XP?

Windows xp launches with Clear Type support: 
Microsoft's finest achievement with Windows XP may have nothing to do with flashy features. The new operating system uses Microsoft's ClearType font-rendering technology, which makes text viewed on liquid-crystal displays (LCD) unbelievably sharp.
In their lead Windows XP launch article c|net identifies ClearType as one of Windows XP's main highlights.
Better text: For those using LCD monitors—with either desktop or notebook PCs—ClearType technology offers substantially sharper text than any other Windows version and most other operating systems.

Activating ClearType in Windows XP
To activate ClearType in Windows XP right click on the desktop and select 'Properties', select the 'Appearance' tab and press the 'Effects…' button. Check the tick box next to the words 'Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts;' and select 'ClearType' from the drop down box. Close the Effects dialog by clicking Okay and click 'Apply' to complete the process.
Activating ClearType
Alternately use this nifty Web interface to activate and tune your ClearType settings.
Download Clear Type Tuner...
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