Saturday, 6 July 2013

How to Integrate or add or remove a IDM (Browser and system integration feature):

This process will show You "How to integrate or add or remove any browser from IDM (Browser and system integration feature)


1. Open Internet Download Manager.
2. Click on "Downloads" on Menu bar of IDM.
3. Choose "Option"
4. A pop up window "Internet Download Manager Configuration" will be opened.
5. Navigate to "General" tab.
6. tick the check box "Use advanced browser Integration"
7. Now select the browsers that you want to integrate with IDM and tick on the check boxes.

It almost support all the browsers like Internet Explorer, Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera, Netscape navigator etc..
8. if you are using any other browser except the above then you can add that by "Add browser" option.
9. After selecting the browser you want to integrate. Apply the changes and press OK.
10. Now close all the open windows and Application and reboot your system .
After reboot you will find that IDM is associated with all the browser that you are integrated for download.
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