Thursday 4 July 2013

Facebook Keyboard Shorcut 2013 working hot Keys:

Face book uses the combine keyboard shortcuts i.e. More than one keys to be pressed to access the shortcuts. Out of which some keys are depends upon the type of Operating system and the browser are you using.
For Windows Operating System:
Google Chrome          Alt
Mozilla Firefox            Alt + shift
Internet Explorer         Alt


Firefox           Function + Ctrl
All other        Option + Ctrl

Note: All the shortcut keys works on the numbers that are placed on the top of the keyboard. Not from the notepad. If you are using Google Chrome (In Windows OS) then You have to press the Alt key and a number from shortcut simultaneously to use the shortcuts. Similarly for other browser with the operating system use their respective combo key.

Shortcuts Functions
M Open a new message *
? Go to the Facebook Search
1 Home (News Feed)
2 Your profile page
3 Friend requests
4 Messages
5 Notifications
6 Your Account Settings
7 Your Privacy Settings
8 Go to the Facebook page
9 View Facebook Statements and Rights agreement
0 Open Facebook help center

There are also some Keyboard shortcuts which are used in Face-book Chat and it does not require any combo key.

Esc Closes the current chat window
Shift + - Hides the current chat window if no text is entered
TAB - Jumps to the next chat window
Shift + TAB- Jumps to the previous chat window

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