Friday 9 August 2013

How to Back-Up/Save favorite bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox and Restore them?

Hello Firefox users, I, m showing you another trick to save your favorite bookmarks to a safe place. In the chrome there is already future to sync your bookmarks by creating an Google account and signing in But this feature is not available for Firefox users like me. Don, t worry You can also done this job by this trick. Bookmarks are actually Links that are stored in Browser,s memory. You can bookmark any site by pressing Ctrl+D button and You can also show these bookmarks in Firefox on Bookmarks toolbar (like chrome) by right-clicking on tab strip and checking on Bookmarks toolbar. So that, s another chapter, we are actually going to backup/save these important bookmarks. Carefully read the following steps...
Also check: Speed up Firefox and make it a Fast fox.

Steps for Backup/Save and restore of Your Bookmarks:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+B to Open all bookmarks window.
  • From the top menu bar of this windows go to Bookmarks>Backup.
  • Choose a name for your file and location where you want to save it.
  • Now, bookmarks are stored in that location in the form of file with .json extension.
  • To restore your bookmarks by using that file, just go to Bookmarks>restore>Choose file (From menu bar of that window).
  • It will pop-up a window, now Double-click File that is stored in Your PC.
That, s it in this way you can save and restore your Browser, s bookmarks in Firefox. Enjoy :)
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