Wednesday 7 August 2013

Fix breaking out/overlapping of Images on Sidebar on bloggers Blog posts pages

In some blogs there is a problem with post images i-e they are overlapping on sidebar which is not good for any blogger user. I have also faced this badness. But fortunately, i found an hack to limit the size of images on blog posts to not be shown as broken or overlapping on sidebar. i decided to post it on my blog. This hack is very simple and easy.
To done this hack, just do the following...

Procedure to fix images on blog posts:

Step 1: Go to blogger>template>customize>advance> Add CSS.
Step 2: Add following code in CSS section and then click on Apply on blog.
.post img {max-width:98% !important}
You can also go to template>edit html and then, paste this code before ]]></b:skin>

That,s it. Now, you have fixed up your blog post images. This was a simple hack but very very helpful. Thanks for visiting.
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