Wednesday 26 June 2013

3 Methods Of Getting Traffic Through google plus.

I am always looking for ways of getting more and more web traffic to my blog and I have tried so many strategies which many are working for me now. I just hope before the year runs out I’ll be getting 20k visits per day :) .

Google plus social network has been out for a while now and people have already started comparing it with Facebook and Twitter. Google plus is one great community every bloggers and webmasters should participate in and gain even more exposure with.

We all know that Google is the number one search engine online, and they are the giant setting all the rules for us bloggers to follow. So doing things right with Google will surely give you that traffic and quality backlink you need. But Before I move further, let’s discuss the benefits of Google plus social networking:

→ You will get indexed way faster than normal

→ You will get high quality backlinks

→ You will get quality traffic from the big giant their self

→ You’ll even get exposure to likeminded bloggers and business associates.

Tell me, what more can you ask for? :D
So Google+ will surely help/ push your blogging carrier to the next level. But first before all that, what we need the most in our blogging carrier is “traffic”, right? After you read this post, go try it out and see if there won’t be changes in your traffic stat :D

3 Combined Ways Of Getting Traffic Through Google Plus

Today is the second Monday of the week, so I am not going to bore you with long talk, I’ll just share with you, my little way of getting traffic to my blog using Google plus social network…

Use of hash tags:

Ahhh… I just learned how to use harsh tag effectively about 2 weeks ago and it feels great using them. The first time I used the hash tag on one of my posts, the impact I got was like x times two of what I was getting from my Google+ network.

One of the main reasons we use social media is to get exposed to a wider reach, right? Exactly like twitter, the Google plus hash tag gets your post from beyond your friends, circles, communities to a wider audience. Take for example; search for #bloggingtips in your community search bar. If the result shows up, check and see how many users are in that hash search result.
Tip: Use as many hash tags when making the comment to your post, like the example image above. Using more hash tag will cut your blog post to even more and wider audience…
Hey! If you have not started using the Google plus hash tag, start using it now to help your blog reach audience you’ve always dreamt of and gain more traffic from what you have been getting :)

Join as many communities as possible:

I have joined like 10 active communities and these communities sure rocks :D . Some of these guys +1 your post, while some share the post to their cycle and while some comment and give you props (but only if your post is good).
Tips on how to pick and use your communities effectively: when joining a community, make sure you join the community with larger users and check if the community is that active.
How do you know if the community is active: simple! Just check the latest post link, or comment made by it users.
After you must have find yourself a better community, make sure before you drop any links read community guidelines so you won’t be flag as spammer. After that make sure you use hash tag (as a combination) in the comment area, so you can double your traffic you get from Google+

Linking your Site to your Google plus account:

We all know what this last tip does, right? In case you don’t know, it helps an author claim his site, makes your site more visible and which we all know it’s a good thing, right?

Now with this, it goes beyond just your Google social network. Doing this, you can also be getting valuable traffic from Google search engine as well. Now tell me, who wouldn’t want that.
Last Note: Google plus is my new found place of valuable traffic which i am currently falling in love with :) and I intend to dig deeper into the social network to see if I can find even more ways of getting more valuable traffic from them.
A word from a wise: Remember in life that there is no such thing as limit; we are the people limiting our selves. Open your mind and soul and break that limitation…
Now you have it, Google+ can truly help in getting more and more traffic to your website and blogs, but as long as you are doing it effectively, accurately and well.
Do you have anything to add up? Do you like Google plus or do you hate Google plus? Please use the comment section below and drop your comment and let’s make the post as lively as possible.
Do you have comment, question, thoughts or extra tips to add to the ones above? Please do by using the comment box below. Remember that your comments, questions and thoughts are highly welcomed and much appreciated.
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